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New Patreon Tier Alert - VIP Level


New Patreon Tier Alert!
VIP Level has both physical and digital media gifts!

The new $10 (US) / Month Tier has all of this!

  • Monthly Video Digital Download 1: An animation of one of my artworks (your choice), customized for you. This will be a video and not .gif unless you specifically want a .gif format. And it will have sound. This will be available for you to download and share if you choose to.
  • Monthly Digital Download 2: Choose from art not found anywhere else from the secret gallery. High quality digital download.
  • Suggestion Box - suggest characters or fandoms.
  • Polls - Help me choose between rough drafts, which shows/movies to explore.
  • Monthly Digest of the Mail Bag - questions from patrons.
  • Everything included in the $1 and $7 Stickers of the Month Club tiers.


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