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Showing posts from December, 2019

Get a Thank You Gift for Supporting My Art

  Samples of the Thank You gifts (Hannibal, Deep Space Nine and The Expanse TL;DR: Have my art? Getting some? Post a pic and tag me! (If you've already posted a pic, send me the link to the post.) If you don't have my art, but you made a donation to my PayPal, bought me a Ko-Fi, or subscribed to my Patreon? Message me the details. To say thank you, I'll send you: A hand written thank you card doodle/sketch Stickers Wisdom for life quote from your selected show/movie/book on a wallet card Trivia from your chosen subject Available physically (with postal address) or digitally delivered with an email address. THE DETAILS Last year was a rough year and making art for my friends got me through it. To say thank you, and to help me create more art - I'm running a thank you campaign for all of 2020 starting January 1st. For those who participate, I will mail thank you cards which which will include: An inspirational or wisdom for l...

GIMP QBist - Still My Favorite Art Toy after 20+ Years

One tool that accounts for about 15-20% of my art creations (all of abstract art, basically) is ancient by today's standards. It's from an open source image manipulation program called GIMP, which you can download from . (To give you some idea of what I mean by ancient - I've been using this program since it launched in 1996 - 24 years. ) Some of the artwork I've created using GIMP QBist. For it's time, it was amazing - a real challenger to PhotoShop when there was damn little out there - and certainly nothing that was free. While it's still a unique and valuable tool, it's become slow and a little clunky compared to its rivals which, thanks to the subscription model, have become much more affordable. Even so, there is one tool that will always keep me coming back to GIMP - QBist . If you have GIMP installed, it's buried under Filters --> Render --> Pattern--> and at the bottom "QBist".   It's more of a toy th...

Arjun's Kind of Pissing Me Off

  Really, Arjun? Since when do you not know this is the woman you married? Warning - Spoilers - vague ones, but still spoilers. NOTE: I have not read the all the books yet and I have no idea if the show stays true to how the situation plays out in the books. So I'm only addressing the show. Species (Movie, 1995): Xavier Fitch: We decided to make it female so it would be more docile and controllable. Preston Lennox : More docile and controllable, eh? You guys don't get out much. Killing Eve: Eve Polastri: [after rudely demanding the room key from the reception desk and being handed it quickly]  God it makes me rage how efficient things are when you're a dick to people. I've been reading some very mixed reactions about Chrisjen Avasarala's actions/decisions in Season 4 of The Expanse , and I have some strong feelings of my own. But I have a couple of questions to ask readers first: 1. Do you feel Chrisjen made the right choices ...

Mads Mikkelsen Double Book Giveaway - Ends Dec 14

Double Mads Mikkelsen Book Giveaway!   Only on: Twitter - @orionlodubyal Instagram - @i_am_orionlodubyal       Giveaway #1: Janice Poon's  Feeding Hannibal: A Connoisseur's Cookbook To Enter: Follow this account. Comment a famous quote that was NOT said by Hannibal Lecter, but you think could have been. Do attribute quote author. Don't reuse a quote already in the comments. Share in Stories (Instagram) or Retweet on Twitter for an extra entry. Giveaway #2: Polar the Black Kaiser  Hardcover Graphic Novel by Victor Santos To Enter : Follow this account! Comment a quote from your favorite non-Hannibal Mads Mikkelsen character , so any movie, commercial, music video ;-) EXCEPT HANNIBAL. Do attribute quote character/source. Don't reuse a quote already in the comments. Share in Stories (Instagram) or Retweet on Twitter for an extra entry. Fine print: While this Giveaway is open to international ...