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Showing posts from October, 2019

The Road to Hell is Paved with Quodo - Publishing Unapproved Fan Art

Now for the dark side: When you know your art isn't going to get approved but you want to sell it anyway.  I am not saying anyone should do this or that it's a good idea or that it's a respectable thing to do. It is very much in the gray area of what is "allowable". Print-on-demand sites let a lot of stuff slide because if you aren't "trading on the brand's name", the brand isn't likely to notice or, in some cases even care.  It's very simple, but not without risk. Proceed with caution (and for godsake back up your artwork!) Don't tag your art with anything the brand owns or looks for.   Don't use the brand's name, the actor's names, anything . This will make it harder to find. My Garak stuff is largely invisible because there is no "DS9", Star Trek, etc etc.  So how will people find it? They won't - unless they know to look for it. You can use fandom tags like Garashir, Spi

Star Trek Artists: Tips for Getting Your Fan Art Approved by the Brand

One of the abstract Obsidian Order (commissioned) pieces CBS approved on RedBubble.   Another commissioned set of designs approved by CBS this week.   I finally have a handful of artwork that's been approved by CBS for sale on RedBubble! It only took 6 months, but at least now I have a better understanding of what they're looking for, and what they're rejecting. What follows is only slightly above hearsay but it's what I've learned from other Star Trek artists and from representatives at RedBubble and TeePublic (which have now merged.)   I only recently found out a lot of this stuff when RedBubble and TeePublic joined forces. TeePublic reached out to me upload my fanart over there and I asked them what the brands, particularly CBS/Star Trek was looking for. The rep actually gave me some really helpful info that isn't on the Brand Partnership page. Here's the TL;DR if you don't want to read the whole thing: Avoid actors' face

Treasure Trove of Original Files Means New Updates!

I found my stash of large source file and drafts that I thought I'd lost! That means I could rework and upload larger, brighter, clearer pictures for some of my artwork. Which then leads to my art being available on a much wider variety of products just in time for the holidays. I'm not the only one racing to get all of my finished works posted. I've noticed several of the other artists I follow doing the same thing, so it's a good time to do a little holiday gift planning. Mark favorites now so that when the sales hit next month, you'll be ready! (We won't even talk about how many items I've got stashed in my shopping carts. *ahem* ) Anyway, here's an example of a set of art works that I'd had smaller, lower resolution images posted before but have been revamped and reloaded, larger and better quality, today. Before Larger, cleaner version below. I also removed the texture that I used in the original picture because I've found that i

Some New Sci-Fi-Tastic Background and Decor Designs

I was asked to create some designs that would work well with my fan and space art, but still work with decor generally - in kids rooms and in main living areas. So I've been working on some geometric, abstract and space-themed art to fit that bill. There are alternate, simplified versions of some of these that work better on things like curtains and throw blankets, but still complement the general theme. Space Ships, Stars and Swirls. Design without contrast swirl also available. Geometric, abstract Orion-inspired green design. Oxidized metal panels, like the side of an alien ship. Geometric, striped, wire mesh ball in basic black and white.

Don't Buy My Art on Amazon

If you see my artwork on Amazon, I did not put it there. No one on Amazon has permission to sell my art, ever. In fact, if you see an artist's work that you like on Amazon, look them up on social media or for the website on Google. Ask them if they have given permission to sell their to Amazon. I saw pages and pages of artwork that I know I've seen from artist friends' pages on Twitter. I spent all evening trying to match the artwork with the artists and let them know. For many of them, this isn't the first time, or even 5th time. They have a monthly routine of using Google image search and store name tag search to find their artwork posted in places it should be. It's a job in itself. And now it's my job too. The worst part of it was talking to Amazon's customer service rep on the phone who said, "Amazon has never had this kind of problem before." Oh really? A 2 second search on twitter yields pages of results. Then there's the BuzzFeed