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Showing posts from 2020

New Hannibal the Cannibal Decor Collection on Society6 (SALE!) and RedBubble

Designs based on Hannibal's Suits and Ties Designs based on Hannibal's Bedroom and Office Hannibal the Cannibal Decor Collection on Society 6 Hannibal the Cannibal Decor Collection on Society 6 Hi all! This project has been months in the works and now, just in time, Society6 has put it all on 30-40% off! An entire art collection based on Hannibal's Bedroom, Office, Suits and Ties - everything from furniture to throw blankets! IMPORTANT NOTE: My Society6 art is under my alternate art profile "InfiniteTango" (because my Orionlodubyal store got deleted for the Avasarala F*ck Mug" incident. The collection can be found here: -- but there are over 40 products for each design. The collection page only has 1 or 2 pictured, but if you click on one, the bottom of the page will show you the rest of the collection. The designs are also on RedBubble which has slightly...

The Fractal Impulse Collab with The Hungry Creatures and my first Cardassified Portrait!

I've been so excited to tell everyone about this project! I created a Cardassified portrait of Jordan in a collab with Josh Evans at The Hungry Creatures , all in support of The Fractal Impulse . Jordan was my first attempt to Cardassify someone and I couldn't be more excited about the finished product! I provided the portrait per his specification (sunglasses, hair, tunic etc.) and Josh provided the glorious backgrounds. Have a listen and learn more about The Fractal Impulse here: (I'm particularly digging "Witching Hour" off Pumpkin Beats, and "Doom Scroll feat. Bad Praxis" hits the current cultural moment pretty hard.) Spotify : Website: YouTube Channel : Apple Music : SoundCloud:

Art is a wound turned into light.

Hello Patrons, Clients and Friends, Thank you once again for your patience and kind words, here and on the socials. It's been a hard year, and a particularly awful month. For those who don't follow me on the social media sites, I lost my mom, her mom (my grandmother) and my aunt (my mom's sister) in the span of 6 months. One year ago, on my birthday, I lost my birth mother. I've lost two of my pets who were elderly, and while that wasn't unexpected, it was still awful. A truly terrible year. I only share all of this because I want to take the time here, on the platforms for the patrons of my art, to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. We are all separated, isolated from loved ones, scared and anxious for ourselves, our families and friends, our jobs. It's a terrible time for so many. And yet it's been my art friends, clients and patrons reaching out to me most and I'm so grateful. The art has been all that gets me out of bed som...

The trouble is, you think you have time.

Breaking with my art and fandom news to update everyone on offline events. I've been sick for a few weeks (because the heat makes MS much worse) and feeling sorry for myself, if I'm completely honest. I was hating this year. Hating feeling sick. Thinking how could this year get any worse? It already seems almost biblical - murder hornets, locusts, COVID19, quarantine. Every year I think it can't get any worse than last year.  I'm going to stop saying that shit. I lost my mom on Monday. My mom who taught me the high art of fan-girling with subscriptions to Fangoria and Creep Show. Who watched every scifi and horror movie, no matter how terrible (looking at you "Night of the Lepus" ) She, of the photographic memory of anything she'd ever read - not to mention movie lines, song lyrics. We could have entire, deeply philosophical conversations using nothing but movie dialogue.  She had been sick for year...

The Glory of The Expanse Rewatch

WARNING - Spoilers ahead, probably. Especially if you haven't seen seasons 1-3 of The Expanse. I don't remember enjoying a rewatch of any series as much as The Expanse! (Season 4, as well as the previous seasons, are now available to watch on Amazon Prime.)  As soon as I finished Season 4, I started the entire series again. It's like the series was designed to be watched again and again, just in the sheer density of goodies left for fans. Here are my top reasons to watch the whole again and how to get the most out of the experience. (Click on the pictures to enlarge.) 1. The Soundtrack Get the soundtrack if you haven't already. There are Belter versions of pop songs, beautiful instrumentals from Clinton Shorter, all that country music Alex is always listening to and so much more. It's an outstanding soundtrack at a time when most soundtracks I hear just haven't been that inspiring. The quote below (with link following) really gets at why the sco...