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Showing posts from November, 2019

A Stitch in Time Paper Novel Giveaway - Nov 20-Dec7

Win a paper copy of Garak actor Andrew J. Robinson's out-of-print novel, A Stitch in Time! This is the actual book / prize for the giveaway. Very good condition, but it is a used book, as this is out of print. My Twitter and Instagram ASIT International Giveaway has started with a paper copy of Andrew J. Robinson's out-of-print novel,  A Stitch in Time. This chronicles Garak's origins and post-canon life on Cardassia Prime after the Dominion War - written by the man who played Garak himself! To enter on Instagram or on Twitter: 1. Follow on Instagram @i_am_orionlodubyal   or Twitter. @orionlodubyal (You may enter on both if you have a Twitter and an Instagram account.) 2. Like and comment a Garak quote from the show or any of the novels, but not reusing a previous quote from the comments (on the #ASITgiveaway thread). 3. Retweet or share in story on Instagram for an additional entry - use #ASITgiveaway. (So, if you share on both Twitter

Favorite Fan Artists on TeePublic

It's Black Friday week so everything is on sale! So Much Fan Art - in all the Fandoms!!! Did you know that you can follow artists on TeePublic? I haven't found a way to like or favorite particular designs I like, but I can at least make a directory of the artists I like most. If you're looking for some Fan Artists to support this holiday season, check out these TeePublic Favorites. If you create fan art on TeePublic, and you don't see your store on this list, please leave a comment and I'll I'd you to the Shop List on the right side of this blog. Keep in mind many of these artists are on multiple platforms and may have more/different merchandise there. Be sure to check out their socials and websites to find out where else you can find their work! And while you're there, please stop by my shop to see what's new! Multifandom Artists (Hannibal, Star Trek, Good Omens, Sherlock etc. etc.): Alic

Chrisjen Avasarala's Red Coat - The Transformative Story of a Fan Art

The Very Short Story. The Expanse, and the stories it tells about its primary characters, has important messages about surviving crises, trauma and grief. In particular, the image of Chrisjen Avasarala, trudging through the snow, in that red coat, got me through some of the darkest months of my life. My art, not just of her, but what I considered to be my unimportant, just-for-fun art, got me through some nights I don't know I would have survived otherwise. The Longer Story. Collapse The worst truth about health care in American is how much you have to fight for it. For the care you think you've already paid for. That you've signed all the forms for, paid all the premiums for, met your deductible for, given over all your information for and in some cases, given up your dignity for. And yet.... When you are most vulnerable, most afraid, most unprepared for the task - you will often have to fight the hardest, the dirtiest, the ugliest. That could

Why I Can't Delete My Art Off of TeeSpring, but I Wish I Could

I wanted to love TeeSpring, I really did. The art placement dashboard was easy to use and the products described seemed really high quality. They are also one of the few Print-on-Demand sites that offer two-factor authentication, which made me very happy. So I loaded up some art and got started. Within two weeks, I knew this was not going to work out. Here's why. 1. Use our amazing marketing tools - after you prove you don't need our amazing marketing tools. You can't use their marketing tools, or be visible in their marketplace, until you prove you don't need their marketing tools or their marketplace. You have to drive your own sales for some unspecified number before your "Trust Score" is high enough to even appear in the site's search results. Also, they want you to "optimize your listings for search" but you can't use tags. ??? Wait, what now? Like a lot of Print-on-Demand sites (TeeFury, Threadless etc.), TeeSpring let

My First Patreon Giveaway (open to the public) is Live!

    My first Patreon Giveaway is up (you don't have to be a Patron, but you will need to login to comment and be entered.) The first person to answer the Star Trek trivia question posted there wins a $25 RedBubble Gift Certificate!    Please d on't post guesses/answers here - only comments on Patreon will count!  https://

The First People Who Support Your Art

The first people who support your art . . .  . . . are such treasures. The first person who liked my art and encouraged me to put it up on RedBubble. The first Patreon subscriber. The person who said my legit art (I create more conventional art on other accounts) is great, but I really love your trashy fan art. Those people keep you going through the times when nothing seems to sell. Your art just doesn't come out the way you want. Everything seems like such a struggle. And then you remember those first people who helped you change course and believe in yourself. Just wanted to say, I love you for being the sort of people who reach out to artists - and for encouraging me to keep making art, and keep reaching out to other artists. Y'all rock. That's all.